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4 New Year’s Resolutions For Homeowners

New Year’s Resolutions for Homeowners

With New Year’s coming up, the pressure is on to try to figure out your New Year’s Resolutions. If you are tired of making the same resolutions year after year, here are some new year’s resolutions for homeowners to consider for the upcoming year.

Cut Energy Use

Recent studies have revealed that the average US household is only 65% efficient, meaning that 35% of all energy in our house is wasted. Sealing and insulating your house is a good place to start, helping to improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. Switching incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), turning lights off when you leave the room, turning the thermostat up to 78 degrees and unplugging appliances can also all add up and help to reduce your energy use.

Purify Your Inside Air

While we pay a lot of attention to the air quality outside, we often forget to be concerned about the air inside our house. There are a number of contaminants inside, such as mold spores, pollen, pet dander and dust, which can all pose possible hazards to our health. To top things off, this problem is usually worse during the winter when our doors and windows are shut tight and there is little ventilation. Diligently maintaining your HVAC and changing filters can help to eliminate the harmful lung irritants in the air. In addition, investing in a portable air cleaner and burning real firewood instead of pressed wood products can help to keep the air inside clean.

Declutter Your Home

Why wait until Spring to start cleaning? Science suggests that there a number of reasons to declutter your house, such as boosting your mood, increasing your concentration and letting go of the past. If you are pressed for storage space, there are myriads of DI Y storage ideas online to help inspire you. While it may be a big task, you will be well rewarded when your house is decluttered.

Reduce Water Use

With record-breaking droughts hitting California and scientists predicting a “megadrought” in the second half of the century, reducing water use is more important than ever. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to do this. Installing low-flow fixtures and maintaining appliances can help to ensure that excess water is not being lost or wasted. You could also consider ditching your lawn for a more drought-tolerant succulent garden if it doesn’t conflict with your homeowner’s association’s rules.
